CSS and CSS3 Templates

At Gridgum.com, we have created a section specialized in CSS and CSS3 templates. Like any international website company, we have to provide our clients with a variety of programing languages so they can pick the ones that specifically fulfill their needs. Cascading Style Sheets or CSS is enormously used in the web programing. For this reason, we have created w different section so client can directly access it without looking for it among other sections. At the end, you can access every theme by just one click in order to see what are the detailed descriptions of our different themes.

Tranquility - Responsive One-Page Theme
Author Dark_Knight
Tranquility is a fully responsive one-page HTML5 template. It features a clean and simple design and is intended for individuals or business agencies.
Features: Fully Responsive; Clean HTML and CSS; Well documentet; Fullpage background image; Functioning PHP contact form; Resources and Credits; jquery.1.11.1; WOW.js; Animate.css; Magnific Popup; Backstretch.js; getbootstrap.com; google fonts; font awesome icons; startbootstrap.com; Images - unsplash.com
Tranquility - Responsive One-Page Theme - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
very bad
by Dark_Knight From HTML5 Templates
2050-12-12 $ 10
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