Because many of you might not know what bootstrap is, let's start with a little bit about this framework. Created by the Twitter developer and designer and previously known as a Twitter Blueprint, Bootstrap is now the most popular HTML, JS, and CSS framework in the world. What is this framework you may ask? So to be precise, Bootstrap is a sort of collection of tools for creating websites and in addition to being responsive (changeable design for tablets, laptops, and smartphones) it is also easy to manage and that is what makes Bootstrap one of the most popular frameworks. Here Gridgum has gathered all simple bootstrap 4 themes and bootstrap 5 templates so you too could enjoy easily manageable and device-responsive low-cost website templates. (For more on this topic and the latest version please visit

**Features**: Bootstrap 3.3; Fully Responsive; Font awesome icons; Preloading page; Working contact php file; One index.html file + 4 HTML files for projects/ works of yours; Valid HTML5 and CSS3

Theme Features:
Lightweight, Fast Loading
Bower Support
GruntJS Support
Less CSS
Responsive, Mobile First
Ready Made Color Combos
Outstanding Documentation
Wide Browser Support
HTML5 & CSS3, Built with Bootstrap