
Sound Studio Free bootstrap template, This is a Free bootstrap responsive theme, this template is free for download, any of our customers can download it and use as commercial or non-commercial projects. The template has 2 homepages: with slideshow and with a video background. The template does not include images which you see on live demo preview page. You will download only skill of this template and can use any images you like on it. If you need some helps with this template please write your questions in the comments section and our team will create video tutorials for you and
3.5 stars, based on 1

This is a Hard-Rock Band Free Bootstrap template that is perfectly suitable for rock bands that want to present their music to the web audience. This template can be used to launch a highly functional website within a short period of time for a free. Nowadays, it is very convenient to use the internet and an online platform to present your music and important information about the band.
0 stars, based on 1

DJ Sound waves bootstrap theme, Gridgum is pleased to introduce our latest and most advanced personal DJ Music free HTML template. If you are a musician / DJ and want to launch a new personal site, here is the thing you want to consider. A beautiful template with the online working music player. Starting with 5 general options at the right top of the page to give your customer an idea about how your website is organized. This generally makes your customer familiar with various options of your website.
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