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    Pure Portfolio Free bootstrap template
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Pure portfolio - free HTML5 Responsive Template

We are happy to introduce the FREE HMTL5 template that can be used by anyone for various projects. When we say FREE we absolutely mean it, we do not demand anything in return but please include our URL if you publish it somewhere else. The suggested template is very convenient to present your project or business in a very detailed manner to a very wide audience. HTML5 templates can be used to launch a highly functional website which will be available 24/7 to customers without incurring high costs. We have a very rich library of free templates that cover not only HTML5 templates but also free WordPress and Bootstrap. If you are interested and want to look only free HTML5 templates, please click on the banner below:

Free HTML5 Templates & Themes

We also have the Premium (professional) templates which have more features to offer and therefore are traded for a decent price. But if you have never worked with templates, then start with FREE ones and then switch to Premium ones.

To handle HTML5 templates you do not have to have deep knowledge of coding or high experience of programming. You will just need an HTML editor, like Adobe Dreamweaver to edit the already existing content based on your preferences, taste, and wishes. HTML5 templates have a lot of benefits to offer, for instance by using the Pure Portfolio FREE HTML5 template you can be ensured that the website will not have any accessibility problems. The website will be compatible with various browsers like Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla and etc. To create this template there were used many different languages like HTML, HTML5, CSS and also JavaScript Frameworks. The HTML5 theme was created by one of the best website designers, therefore, the layout looks very authentic, modern and simple.

If you want to present your work, project or business idea, then the suggested template is the best way to do it. To launch a highly functional website will not require a lot of time or financial resources and the end result will also be available for viewers and potential customers. The suggested theme has a responsive design which means that it can be accessed by any device like mobile phones, tablets, personal computers, laptops and etc. Moreover, the design of the website will be altered depending on which device is used therefore the layout of the website will also match the screen size. The responsive design feature is very convenient for website viewers since they will never face the website navigation problems.

The provided theme is single page HTML5 responsive template which has four different sections. Each section can be used to describe different information very meticulously. Those four pages are Home, About Us, Our Works and Contact Us. There can be uploaded various pictures to better describe the project, work, or the business idea that you are presenting. If you like the pictures that used in the given template, feel free to use them since they are also offered for free. On each section, there is enough space to include whatever data or image you want to reflect on. In the Contact Us section, you can publish the contact information like phone numbers, email address, the location address and links of social media for your official pages. There is also an incorporated Contact Us table which can be used by website viewers to send you messages by providing the e-mail addresses.

If you still do not have a highly functional website and you want to have one, then do not miss this chance and download the suggested FREE HTML5 template. By downloading the provided free template you will also receive the one-month free host account at www.m9host.com

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask and leave them in the comment section, our technical support team will respond to them as soon as possible. To have the smooth communication process, we will offer the video tutorial to answer all of your questions in a very detailed manner.

Languages used: HTML, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript Frameworks used: jQuery (JavaScript), scrolly (jQuery)

Coding: HTML5, CSS, jQuery

Fonts: Font Awesome

HTML5 template

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0 stars, based on 1 reviews

Date of Creation: 10 January 2016
Last Update: Never
Compatible Browsers: IE, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera
Files included: HTML, CSS, JS, Files
Documentation: Well Documented
Layout: Responsive
Tags: bootstrap free templates, free html5 templates, bootstrap templates free, free portfolio template, free portfolio website template, free html templates, free html website templates, bootstrap themes free
Type: Free template
Categories: Free HTML5 Templates
item #: 25685
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