
Appland is a modern and Responsive HTML5 Template specially made for – Apps, SaaS sites and Any Type of Landing Page. Appland is based on Bootstrap and HTML5. This template is well organized and very easy to customize. Appland will help you to enhance your app to showcase beauty. All demos different homepage carefully designed blocks, which are easy to edit and customize to fit your needs. Appland is now more customizable more smooth and more user-friendly.
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Apptrend is a modern and Responsive HTML5 Template specially made for – Apps, SaaS sites and Any Type of Landing Page. Comes with high-quality trendy design and based on Bootstrap 4 & HTML5. This template is well organized and very easy to customize, Apptrend also has a creative color palette with 4 awesome gradient colors. From those colors, you can choose your favorite color. Apptrend also comes with a working contact form that you can use to get feedback from customers and visitors.
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