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College (University) WordPress Theme

Presenting our most recent WordPress education theme. This education template is for each business that arrangements with college, school or online learners. Our WordPress template responsive format begins with 7 basic option at the top right corner that tells your customer how your website is organized. Then comes our slideshow that shows distinctive highlights of your website. This is, for the most part, used to clarify different offers and administrations that your college offers. At that point comes the card format show that characterizes understudies in various classifications relying upon their inclinations. These two choices offer a flawless association with your client that will help them pick their choices.

After the slideshow and the card design, we are furnishing you with a passage to welcome understudies to your association and also numerous ways to tell about your university or institution. We are also giving you apart to introduce courses or majors that your university offers. This is a very important section to attract students that want to join certain listed majors in your university.

To wrap things up, our arrangements groups fuse 1 month of free host account at www.m9host.com site. Adding that expense to the free pictures that are consolidated into our designs, we are happy to be your minimum costly pathway all through an incredible viable business.

Underneath is a brief highlight of our site layout:

  • Responsive background slideshow with HD pictures.
  • Pictures are included in the theme.
  • Animated menu.
  • Fully responsive.
  • Social network logos, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
  • Pages:
  • Homepage
  • About us
  • Programs
  • Student information
  • Blog
  • Gallery
  • Contact us
  • Card layout:
  • Four different card layout of your choice
  • Vertical List layout:
  • About us
  • Our courses
  • Facilities
  • Services
  • Location

If there are any customizations needed, please let us know and we will be happy to help you


· 5 March 2017 - 00:03:30

I love this theme and I have changed it's use a little from when I started using it. I need help editing the

I cannot find where to change the class from "location" or "mail" so that I can put a different link in that widget. I want to add a third link with a custom icon that widget, but I cannot find a reference to those classes in the CSS. Can you direct me to the correct stylesheet to edit? Thank you!


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Date of Creation: 12 July 2016
Last Update: Never
Compatible Browsers: IE, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera
Software version: WordPress 5.3+
Files included: HTML, CSS, JS, Files, Images, PSD
Documentation: Well Documented
Layout: Responsive
Tags: college templates, college website templates, college themes, university templates, education wordpress theme, wordpress theme education, wordpress education theme, college wordpress themes, wordpress education, wordpress themes for education, wordpress college theme, education theme WordPress, wordpress education theme
Type: WordPress Themes
Categories: Education Templates
item #: 29754
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