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    Computer Service free bootstrap theme
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Computer Service
Responsive Free Bootstrap Website Template

Every week we are creating new FREE website templates that can be downloaded by anyone for commercial and non-commercial purposes. This time, we would like to introduce the Computer Service FREE Bootstrap template (theme) which can be used to present your company services and activities.

Nowadays, Bootstrap templates and themes are highly demanded since they offer a lot of features and benefits for a very little or no price. On our website, you will also find the Premium (Professional) website templates which offer more features than free ones and therefore are traded for a very decent price. If you are interested in our Premium website templates, please click on the following link: https://gridgum.com/themes/

However, we kindly advise you to start with FREE ones to get an idea of how Bootstrap templates generally work and what outcome they deliver. Here you will find the link that redirects you to the gallery of FREE website templates that contain not only Bootstrap templates but also HTML5, Joomla and WordPress ones:

Free website templates

With Bootstrap templates, you can easily launch a highly functional website without incurring any high costs or wasting a lot of time and effort. Everyone can operate HTML templates even the ones who do not have that deep knowledge of programming or experience of coding. One will just need any HTML editor, for instance, Adobe Dreamweaver, to alter the already existing content of theme based on his/her preferences, wishes, and taste. Launching a website with Bootstrap assures you that website will never have accessibility issues since it will be compatible with various browsers like Opera, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, Mozilla and etc.

Moreover, the layout of the website which will be responsive which means that it can be accessed through any device like cell phones, tablets, laptops, personal computers and etc. The design of the website will be changed based on the device that is employed and the screen size of it. The Responsiveness feature leaves highly satisfied the website viewers because they never face the webpage navigation problems.

As you have noticed Bootstrap templates have a lot to offer and their features can be enhanced by various plugins that are available online. If you are interested in MUST HAVE Bootstrap plugins, please follow the provided link and read our detailed article about the topic: https://gridgum.com/6-best-plugins-for-bootstrap/

The suggested Computer Service theme is one-page parallax FREE responsive template that is ready to be downloaded by you. It has six different sections which can be used to present various information and data in the very meticulous way. There is more than enough space to cover all the relevant and important topics about your project, company or business.

These six sections are:

  • Home
  • About Us
  • Portfolio
  • Pricing
  • Testimonials
  • Contact

On the main page there inserted the subscribe button where the website viewers can distribute their e-mail addresses and receive your company news on a regular basis. In a section of Portfolio, you can reflect on previous, current or future projects and publish some relevant pictures. The images that are used in the given template, cannot be used since they are included only for previewing purpose. In the Testimonials section, you can publish the comments and feedbacks which were given by your customers.

Testimonials should always be included on the website since they increase the credibility and validity of a company or business. As for Contact page, you can share your contact information like telephone number, e-mail address, the location address and etc. There is also compromised the Google Map tool which can be used to show the exact location of your company.

If you do not know how to set up the Google Map location, then please click on the provided link and read a detailed article about the process. In this page, there is also included the Contact Form which can be used to make the communication process between you and website viewers smoother and faster. By just including the email address they can send you the message anytime they want.

If you have any questions or concerns, please leave them in the comment section and our Technical Support team will get back to them as soon as possible. They will also offer the video tutorials to explain every matter in a very detailed way.

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1.17 stars, based on 3 reviews

Date of Creation: 3 May 2016
Last Update: Never
Compatible Browsers: IE, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera
Files included: HTML, CSS, JS, Files
Documentation: Well Documented
Layout: Responsive
Tags: free computer repair website template, free computer website templates, free computer repair template, free pc repair website template, free css templates, free css website templates, free responsive website templates
Type: Free template
Categories: Free Computer Repair
item #: 28395
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