DashGum - Bootstrap Dashboard
Author Alvarez
DashGum is fully responsive admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap 3.2 Framework. This premium version comes with 33 well-crafted HTML pages, 40 plugins, various reusable UI components and more. It's very much adaptive with any size viewport including iPhone, iPad, Android phone, and tablet. DashGum can be used for all types of web applications like custom admin panel, project management system, admin dashboard, application backend, CMS, CRM. Dashboard Features: Built using Bootstrap 3.2; 33 HTML lovely crafted; Uses Font Awesome 4.1
DashGum - Bootstrap Dashboard - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
very bad
by Alvarez From Admin & Dashboard
2050-12-12 $ 15
Patron - Responsive Admin Dashboard
Author Themelool
Patron is a fully responsive modern admin dashboard Based on Bootstrap 3 & HTML5 design reminiscent of the new translucent UI.
Features: Responsive layout (desktops, tablets, mobile devices); Built with new Bootstrap 3.3.2; Include Over 18 plugins; 1000+ Icons - Featuring Font Awesome, Ion Icons, and Glyphicons.; Boxed View, Top Navigation view ....
Patron - Responsive Admin Dashboard - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
very bad
by Themelool From Admin Templates
2050-12-12 $ 15
template admin
Author simsim0709
Reactive Admin is a responsive admin template powered by React JS and Bootstrap. It has many React UI components (some of the Bootstrap components and jQuery plugin). Reactive Admin includes Webpack + React Hot Loader support for synchronized browser testing on multiple devices and routing powered by React Router. Reactive Admin also includes SASS preprocessor for CSS. Reactive Admin makes no assumptions about your backend. However, for automating builds, Reactive Admin uses Node.JS. Framework(Meteor, NodeJS) integrations coming soon. We have a continuous long-term update plan.
Reactive Admin - React Dashboard Template - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
very bad
by simsim0709 From Admin & Dashboard
2050-12-12 $ 12
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