HTML CSS Templates
Security companies have dependably been the best and one of the most growing businesses on the planet. Therefore, Gridgum has presented our latest bootstrap security website template. This security company bootstrap theme is your initial move towards an awesome and fruitful business. Our template starts with the most standard options tabs which are "Home, About us, Services, Gallery, Products and Contacts us". By then comes an unimaginable slideshow where you can go drives or in reverse using the jugs. This slideshow is totally valuable since you can use to promote for different
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Introducing our most recent plastic surgery template. If you are running a medical company and looking for a medical template, here is the latest Gridgum gift for you. A medicine website template specialized in plastic surgery. Starting with the 6 most basic options on the top right side that explains how your website is organized. After that comes the slideshow that illustrates different highlights of your website. Then, we provide you with 4 different card layout display in order to promote various plastic surgery operation that your company can offer.
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Orsova is a very Clean and Modern Designed HTML template for multipurpose of Portfolio. Is built on Bootstrap 3.
Orsova is a great template for freelancers, startups and even the bigger companies who want to show their work and expertise in an elegant an professional way. Mobile visitors will still be attracted to it’s minimalistic but user-friendly approach.
Bootstrap 3;
Minimalism Design;
Fully Responsive Design;
Clean & Elegant;
Fullscreen Navigation;
Google Fonts;
PHP files for a Contact form with well documentation;
Coded with care! Valid HTML5 / CSS3
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Infinity - Mobile App HTML5 Template (Version: 1.0)
Infinity is a clean designed responsive HTML5 Template that is built on bootstrap 3 which comes packed with features.
Built specifically to showcase mobile applications with the use of smooth effects, animations and transitions and a pleasant user experience. Templates Features:
Landing Page Template,
Multiple Cover Page Templates,
Background Slider,
Background Video,
Easy to Customize,
Off-Canvas Navigation,
Click Feedback Effects,
Custom CSS,
PHP Forms with Validation,
Google Fonts,
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CLASIUS – is clean one page parallax responsive HTML/CSS template it is based on twitter bootstrap. It is a great, professional and extremely easy to use and setup template. You can use it for a Photo Studio, Freelancers, Portfolio Theme, Creative Agency and much more.
Features: Clean and Elegant Design; Fully Responsive Layout; Built on Bootstrap; Parallax Sections; Filterable Portfolio; Responsive Pricing Tables
Features: Clean and Elegant Design; Fully Responsive Layout; Built on Bootstrap; Parallax Sections; Filterable Portfolio; Responsive Pricing Tables
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Identity is a modern one page HTML Bootstrap online portfolio template. It is a good way to present yourself with this portfolio, which is for Web Designers and Web Developers but of course for any other web artists also.
**Features**: Bootstrap 3.3; Fully Responsive; Font awesome icons; Preloading page; Working contact php file; One index.html file + 4 HTML files for projects/ works of yours; Valid HTML5 and CSS3
**Features**: Bootstrap 3.3; Fully Responsive; Font awesome icons; Preloading page; Working contact php file; One index.html file + 4 HTML files for projects/ works of yours; Valid HTML5 and CSS3
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Tranquility is a fully responsive one-page HTML5 template. It features a clean and simple design and is intended for individuals or business agencies.
Features: Fully Responsive; Clean HTML and CSS; Well documentet; Fullpage background image; Functioning PHP contact form; Resources and Credits; jquery.1.11.1; WOW.js; Animate.css; Magnific Popup; Backstretch.js;; google fonts; font awesome icons;; Images -
Features: Fully Responsive; Clean HTML and CSS; Well documentet; Fullpage background image; Functioning PHP contact form; Resources and Credits; jquery.1.11.1; WOW.js; Animate.css; Magnific Popup; Backstretch.js;; google fonts; font awesome icons;; Images -
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