Free WordPress Themes
WordPress is one of the easiest and most used CMS tools for website design. In this section, you will find all of our free WordPress themes and templates. As WordPress is really easy to learn, you will be capable to adjust any of the themes so it can fit perfectly your desired design. If you need to do any customization, we will be also glad to offer help upon request.

This template is available for free download and can be used for both commercial and non-commercial purposes. However, there is an important note to keep in mind - if you use this template, you must not delete the link to our site in the footer. If you would like to remove the link, you may purchase the template without it for an additional $3.00

Need the Bootstrap Version?
Sumo Landing also comes with their Bootstrap version. It’s totally free and you can download it from here right now! License & Author Details. This free bootstrap theme is provided courtesy of Feel free to visit for further license and attribution details.