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    Restaurant - One page free bootstrap template
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Restaurant - free HTML5 Bootstrap Template (theme)

We would like to present the brand-new Restaurant free HTML5 Bootstrap template which is ready to be downloaded by anyone. If you have the restaurant business and would like to acquire the official website for your services, then this is your chance and do not miss it! The Bootstrap templates can be used to launch a highly functional website without wasting a lot of time and financial resources. In this case, you will not incur any costs since the suggested HTML5 theme is absolutely free of charge, however, we kindly ask you to include our URL if you publish it somewhere. In this way, we will be assured that the potential customers will visit our website for an official preview.

We also have the Premium (professional) templates that have more features and functions to offer and that’s why they are traded for a decent price.

However, we advise you to begin with FREE templates with which you can gain the experience of working with templates and then switch to Premium ones. We offer not only FREE HTML5 templates but also WordPress, free bootstrap, HTML and free Joomla themes, if you want to look free html5 templates collection, then please click on the following banner below:

Restaurant - Free HTML5 theme

Working with HTML5 Bootstrap themes do not require any deep knowledge of programming or thorough experience with coding. You can handle HTML5 themes by simply downloading any HTML editor like for example Adobe Dreamweaver, to edit the already existing design based on your preferences, taste, and wishes. Downloading the HTML editors is not complicated, and you will not face any complications during the installation processes as well.

Bootstrap HTML5 templates provide a way to launch a highly functional website within the short period of time without wasting a lot of money and time. They also provide a bunch of benefits, for instance, your website will never face the accessibility problems since it will be compatible with various browsers like Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari, Firefox and etc. Moreover, it provides the feature of responsiveness which means that website can be opened through any device like computers, laptops, tablets, mobile phones and etc. The design of the website will be altered based on the device that is used and the screen size. Therefore, the layout of the webpage will always look flawless leaving the website viewers highly satisfied. 

The provided Restaurant FREE HTML5 template has five different sections that can be used to publish all the important information in a very detailed manner. There is more than enough space to cover all the relevant topics to your restaurant business. These five sections are Home, About Us, Menu, Food, and Contacts. On the Home page, there is inserted the slideshow that can be used to present some of the most popular dishes in your restaurant. If you like the images that are used in the given template, please do not hesitate to use them for commercial/non-commercial purposes, since they are also offered for FREE. The best thing about having the official website of the restaurant is that you can present the menu to a very wide audience and describe the food that you serve meticulously. The website viewers will also be able to know in advance the price range of the served food. On the Contacts page, you can publish the restaurant contact information like telephone number, email address, the street address, some company info and etc. In the theme, there is also incorporated the Contact Us form which can be used by website viewers to send you the messages by simply providing their email address and full name.

If you have any questions or remarks, please leave them in the comment section and our technical support team will get back to them as soon as possible. We will also offer the video tutorials to explain every matter in a detailed way.

Languages used:
  • HTML5, CSS3,
  • JavaScript
Frameworks used:
  • Bootstrap,
  • jQuery (JavaScript),
  • WoWJS (jQuery),
  • FontAwesome,
  • owlCarousel (jQuery),
  • Easing (jQuery)
  • CSS,
  • HTML,
  • JS


· 12 January 2017 - 00:55:37

Hi Nice theme. How I can generate the video with the extensions: .ogg, .webm? (How the software your recomend)?


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0 stars, based on 2 reviews

Date of Creation: 11 March 2016
Last Update: Never
Compatible Browsers: IE, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera
Files included: HTML, CSS, JS, Files
Documentation: Well Documented
Layout: Responsive
Tags: free bootstrap templates, bootstrap free templates, bootstrap templates free, bootstrap themes free, free bootstrap website templates, free html templates, free html website templates, free html5 templates
Type: Free template
Categories: Free bootstrap themes, Free HTML5 Templates
item #: 27104
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