“Cake Shop” template is a bootstrap template, therefore it is easy to manage. Bootstrap is an open source based on CSS2, JS framework, which is used to create websites and apps. One of Bootstrap’s biggest advantages is that it is responsive, hence this cake theme is also 100% device responsive. In case you didn’t know a website’s or app’s ability to change the design to fit and look good on any device that is able to access the internet, is called responsiveness
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This is Bakery Bootstrap template which can be purchased and downloaded by bakery businesses or stores. It is a great opportunity to buy the given theme and launch your own website for a very little price. So if you run a bakery business and do not have an online platform to share your company data, then this is your chance to download this theme and use it! The Bakery Bootstrap template is suitable for bakery businesses and stores who are willing to share their company information using the internet. Nowadays, people are using internet and websites to search and gain the information ...
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