Free Newspaper Templates and themes
Now we can introduce one more newspaper free PSD Template which is called the “Hot News”. This will be a great choice for the business who owns an online newspaper, magazine or blog about various topics. Nowadays, society prefers to have an e-newspaper than the hard copy, because it is easily accessible. To remind all of you this template is just a design; however, from this, there can be shaped anything you wish to have to start from WordPress, Bootstrap, Joomla or HTML5 template.
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We are ready to introduce another Newspaper - free Photoshop template that can be used by people and companies who want to have an online newspaper, magazine or blog about various topics. Nowadays, everything is digitalized and can be accessed online, therefore, it is much more convenient to have e-newspaper than the normal one. The suggested Photoshop template will help you to launch a highly functional website that can be retrieved from anywhere at any given time. We would like to remind you that this is just the design from which can be shaped anything you want, like Bootstrap
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