Multipurpose themes

Gameshopy - The theme is a multipurpose use and clean code theme. Customers can easily install and customize the theme. Theme installation guild documentation added.
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Medinfi Medical - Medinfi Store is a clean, beautiful and fully customizable responsive Free WooCommerce WordPress theme. This theme is packed with lots of exciting features that enhance the eCommerce experience. This theme is fully compatible with WooCommerce and some other external plugins like YITH Wishlist, YITH Quick View, WOO Products Filter for WooCommerce, Jetpack, Contact Form 7, Mailchimp, Woo currency, Gtranslate. This theme packs many premium features and several custom widgets which helps to make your online store, eCommerce Websites.
Its used for medical, online medicine store.
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Orgruit Oarganic Fruit Store is a clean, beautiful and fully customizable responsive Free WooCommerce WordPress theme. This theme is packed with lots of exciting features that enhance the eCommerce experience. This theme is fully compatible with WooCommerce and some other external plugins like YITH Wishlist, YITH Quick View, WOO Products Filter for WooCommerce, Jetpack, Contact Form 7, Mailchimp, Woo currency, Gtranslate. This theme packs many premium features and several custom widgets which helps to make your online store, eCommerce Websites.
Its is used for online multipurpose store.
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We are introducing our new WordPress template – Black & white labels Bootstrap Themes. As you might have noticed, the name says “themes”, as in multiple, and not one. That is no accident because we are offering you 2 templates instead of one: the black version and the white version. How can you view both of them? In the top menu, when moving your mouse over the “Home” button, you will see a drop-down menu with two color choices and you’ll be able to pick the one you like. The template itself is a WordPress version of one of our most popular HTML Bootstrap templates
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2.5 stars, based on 2

We would like to present the brand new Business and finance multipurpose Bootstrap template. The suggested template can be used by various firms, for example, that offer financial and consulting services to organizations for improving the performance and efficiency. However, the offered template can be used by not only business consultancy firms but also creative agencies, and by companies that would like to have an online store. The Bootstrap template can be employed to launch a very sophisticated, authentic and highly functional website. f you have never worked with Bootstrap templates and
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Gridgum is pleased to announce the addition of a new template – Design Studio – HTML5 template. Before going through each page, we’ll start with a little bit about HTML5. HTML5 is the newest version of HyperText Markup Language. It is often compared to Adobe Flash, as both of them include having features to play audio and video files within web pages. Even though HTML5 can’t be used for animation or interactivity on its own, it was still considered to be the better choice by Apple Inc. CEO – Steve Jobs.
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Visia is an onepage/multipurpose HTML5 template.
It is based on Twitter Bootstrap framework.
It is responsive, retina ready, easy to customize, SEO friendly, has awesome animations & much more. 33 different pages come with this template. The template is best suited for portfolio, small startups, personal & business usage.
Features: Based on Twitter Bootstrap 3.3.5; One-Page and Multi-Page Demos; 33+ Different Pages; Fully responsive; HTML5 & CSS3 Validated W3C
Features: Based on Twitter Bootstrap 3.3.5; One-Page and Multi-Page Demos; 33+ Different Pages; Fully responsive; HTML5 & CSS3 Validated W3C
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Glide – Multi-purpose One Page Bootstrap Template for any kind of Websites. Beauty and Creativity lie in One Page. We use latest HTML5 and CSS3, including collection of cool plugins. It is fully Responsive and display perfectly across all modern devices and browsers.
Versions:3 Theme Versions with a single Image, Slideshow or a Video Background. Features:
Fullscreen Image background;
Fullscreen Slider background;
Fullscreen Video background;
Bootstrap 3.3.5;
HTML5 and CSS3;
Full Responsive;
Google Fonts;
Well organized source codes;
Clean design
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Black label is bootstrap parallax Multipurpose responsive template. This template created by one of the best designers on the entire web. This is clear & minimalistic design template. Template realized by latest bootstrap and jQuery frameworks. We will try to upgrade the template in the future with the newest pages. Build whatever you like with this Template. Be it Business or Corporate, Portfolio or freelancer, Design Agency or Magazine, Parallax, Blog or App Showcase, just everything is possible with This theme.
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“Color” is a Multipurpose bootstrap responsive theme, it works great on any device (iPad, iMac, Windows, iPhone and any other mobile devices) “Color” is the first version of this template, in the future we will try to upgrade with other colours and other slideshow images. We will also upgrade new pages along with new content. Now "Color" bootstrap responsive theme includes extra 8 pages: 4 extra pages for Fashion theme version and 4 extra pages for Black Business theme version: index.html page + : blog.html (left) page; blog-right.html page;
6 sales
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Infinity - Mobile App HTML5 Template (Version: 1.0)
Infinity is a clean designed responsive HTML5 Template that is built on bootstrap 3 which comes packed with features.
Built specifically to showcase mobile applications with the use of smooth effects, animations and transitions and a pleasant user experience. Templates Features:
Landing Page Template,
Multiple Cover Page Templates,
Background Slider,
Background Video,
Easy to Customize,
Off-Canvas Navigation,
Click Feedback Effects,
Custom CSS,
PHP Forms with Validation,
Google Fonts,
8 sales
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Nitro is a powerful, multipurpose WordPress Theme, suitable for any kind of business. It is very easy to setup and use. This theme comes with loads of great features like Shortcodes, Web fonts, animated content, powerful CSS3 animations and parallax sections.
Highly Customizable Colors, Fonts, and Background, Nitro was made to be easy to customize to match your branding from within the WordPress admin area. It is also easy to Upload Your Logo. None of this requires editing code.
Shortcode Generator: Shortcodes are included into Shortcode Generator
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Nico is a powerful, multipurpose WordPress Theme, suitable for any kind of business. It is very easy to setup and use. This theme comes with loads of great features like Shortcodes, Web fonts, animated content, powerful CSS3 animations and parallax sections.
Highly Customizable Colors, Fonts, and Background Nico was made to be easy to customize to match your branding from within the WordPress admin area. It is also easy to Upload Your Logo. None of this requires editing code. Shortcode Generator Shortcodes are included into Shortcode Generator
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Orion - Parallax WordPress Theme
Orion is a powerful, multipurpose WordPress Theme, suitable for any kind of business. It is very easy to setup and use. This theme comes with loads of great features like Shortcodes, Web fonts, animated content, powerful CSS3 animations and parallax sections. Responsive The layout of this Orion theme automatically adapts to fit on any screen resolution on all desktop and mobile devices. Highly Customizable Colors, Fonts and Background, Sections and Shortcodes Orion was made to be easy to customize to match your branding as exactly as possible.
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Tammoo is a powerful responsive WordPress Theme
Best suited for any business, portfolio, photography and personal sites. This theme provides all the main functionality you will need to present your products, work and yourself in an elegant and professional style.
The theme is responsive so that it fits and looks great on different size of devices desktop, mobile phones, and tablets.
Cufon Fonts
The theme provides a friendly user interface to implement Cufon Font replacement.
Backend Tammoo theme has very powerful admin settings included,
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Saturn is built to be a multi-purpose theme so that you can use as a corporate website, business website, blog, or a portfolio showcase website. It is 100% responsive from the desktop to your favorite mobile devices.
Built with Bootstrap 3.3,
Multipurpose One Page Bootstrap 3.3 Template,
Collapsible description Panel,
Fullscreen Single Image Background,
Responsive Layout,
About section,
Service section,
Portfolio Filterable Section,
Testimonials section,
Contact form and Map,
Google web fonts
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