
Real estate theme is one of the most commonly requested themes of website templates. Because of its divine design and functionality, this bootstrap real estate template makes it easy for realtors and clients to find desired properties. It is an HTML Bootstrap template with an easily manageable and movable search bar, that allows clients to search by location, sub-location, status, type, No. of bedrooms and price. In addition to the search bar, the site has design elements for displaying property listings by default, thumbnails, vertical map-less lists and with different colored maps
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This paint pro template is for all customers seeking a website template that deals with a painting, interior design or any related business. So if you run a paint company, an interior design business this is the website that you need to have. Our template is a Joomla template, Joomla as a website design tool has a lot of advantages that you will experience when you run your business. So what special features does Joomla have? In general, Joomla is a really easy language or design tool to learn, you do not need special programming experience to be able to do any customization of the website.
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Renting a car is becoming popular day by day, therefore we decided to create a special car rental website design. The template is a realized using latest bootstrap framework, which makes it responsive, therefore it can change the design according to any kind of device (tablets, PCs or phones). This template is one of the best in our collection of car websites because it has outstanding design and all the pages that one might need for car rental website.
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Presenting our latest tattoo bootstrap website template. This template is your last stride towards a productive, fruitful business. On the off chance that you run an organization that arrangement with tattoos, this is what Gridgum has for you. A tattoo template stars from the right of the page with 6 most tabs that highlight the blueprint of your site. After that comes a little symbol of all top of the line tattoo craftsman where you can tap on it keeping in mind the end goal to pursue increasingly or book an arrangement.
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The digital product you're going to see is an auto repair template. On the off chance that you keep up an auto repair business and so far hunting down a WordPress Parallax auto repair theme, here's the template that we have for you. A totally responsive layout that starts from the upper left with seven option that highlights how your site is sorted out and these include Home, About, Services, Prices, Gallery, Blog, and Contacts. After that comes our dazzling slideshow that has as a guideline motivation to highlight unmistakable organizations that your site offers. This part is generally
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Clearly, that internet radio station is booming so much nowadays. Gridgum is satisfied to display our most recent responsive bootstrap internet radio template. The template is excellent in its distinctive clear picture that will fulfill your customers. Starting with 7 key tabs at the upper left of the page that tell your customer how the site is organized. By then, comes our delightful slideshow stacked with HD pictures that teach your customer concerning differing shows, activities and music of your site. The slideshow should generally highlight particular organizations that you offer
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Presenting our latest writer website template site format. This layout is your last stride towards a productive, fruitful business. In the event that you are personally a writer or own a company here is the writer template that we have for you. Our writer website template layout that stars from the upper right corner with 6 most regular tabs that highlight the diagram of your site. After that comes our beautiful slideshow which has a main idea of highlighting different books that your personally write or that has been written by various writers of your company.
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If you have a nursing care agency, hospital, home health care, or any business related to Medicare, then this template would fit your needs perfectly! This nursing home website template is created by the latest bootstrap framework, which means that it is responsive. Responsive templates tend to change their design according to the device with which the users are viewing it with. If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact our excellent support team, who will do their best to help you!
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Trial Group - bootstrap theme, If you have a business of providing business/management solutions to different companies or any ways of helping out other companies then this template is definitely for you! The Trial Group bootstrap template is fully responsive and is realized with the latest bootstrap. It has the capability to change the design dependent on the device and can be easily edited!
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Introducing our most recent basketball template. If you are in the final step of establishing your new website design, here is all you need to attract your audience. A fully responsive website design template that starts with 6 general pages that highlight different sections of your website. Then comes our beautiful slideshow which illustrates various services that your website offers such as gaming, schedule, news and many more of your choice. After that comes our beautiful card layout display which classifies different sections of your website, such as your matches, classes that you offer
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Introducing our most recent interior design template. If you have an interior design or a furniture and decor business, that’s the template you are looking for. We will provide you with the most beautiful template yet with many innovative attractions that will guarantee you a successful business. We have 6 general options tabs which let your customer discover different sections on your website. Then comes our beautiful slideshow which allows you four different design that you can use to promote for four different business that your website offers.
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This repair template is made by excellent designers, programmers, and WordPress developers. As you can already see, this is for the people who have any kind of repair service that includes phones, computers, tablets or other kinds of devices. This fully responsive template comes with a working contact form, which means that it will be easier for your customers to get in touch with you and let you know about their problems. It also has a blog, where you could put news or information about your business. Moreover, all the pictures are included in the template package and you are free to use
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This is Travel Agency Bootstrap template that is created for businesses and companies that operate in the tourism industry. The given parallax Bootstrap template has an explicit design which was created through the latest framework of Bootstrap and HTML5. Nowadays, most of the companies and businesses have websites in order to present their information to as many people as possible. Therefore, Responsive Bootstrap templates are very popular in the market since they are an optimal way to have an online platform in web space. If you never heard about Bootstrap before, then we offer
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