Transform your AI writing service with Writey - the ultimate HTML landing page template. Stunning design, powerful features, global reach. Are you ready to revolutionize your AI writing services? Look no further than "Writey" - the ultimate AI Writer Services HTML Landing Page Template that combines stunning design with powerful functionality. Whether you're a content creator, or copywriter, or run an AI writing service, Writey has got you covered.
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2.5 stars, based on 2

Apptrend is a modern and Responsive HTML5 Template specially made for – Apps, SaaS sites and Any Type of Landing Page. Comes with high-quality trendy design and based on Bootstrap 4 & HTML5. This template is well organized and very easy to customize, Apptrend also has a creative color palette with 4 awesome gradient colors. From those colors, you can choose your favorite color. Apptrend also comes with a working contact form that you can use to get feedback from customers and visitors.
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Appland is a modern and Responsive HTML5 Template specially made for – Apps, SaaS sites and Any Type of Landing Page. Appland is based on Bootstrap and HTML5. This template is well organized and very easy to customize. Appland will help you to enhance your app to showcase beauty. All demos different homepage carefully designed blocks, which are easy to edit and customize to fit your needs. Appland is now more customizable more smooth and more user-friendly.
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It is time to represent the new simple bootstrap template - Fitness Club, which is created by CSS3, JS, and Bootstrap 4 framework (it is the latest framework). Nowadays, health is our number one priority, so in this time and age, the fitness business has captured the world. The template design is very fashionable because our best team worked on it very hard also; it is a landing page (one-page website). This template is a great for a startup business, fitness club, gym, everyone uses internet no one wants to go out and look for a proper fitness club for themselves so they search it on the
7 sales
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The Paint co. Bootstrap Landing page template that we are offering is for companies that are offering house and apartments renovating services. It is the best ways for the companies to promote themselves and make aware of themselves to as many potential customers as possible. Bootstrap templates do not require a deep knowledge or experience of coding because the most of the work is already done. You will simply have to alter the existing design based on your preferences, taste, and wishes using any HTML editor, for instance, Adobe Dreamweaver. But if you still have doubts about acquiring
10 sales
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Glide – Multi-purpose One Page Bootstrap Template for any kind of Websites. Beauty and Creativity lie in One Page. We use latest HTML5 and CSS3, including collection of cool plugins. It is fully Responsive and display perfectly across all modern devices and browsers.
Versions:3 Theme Versions with a single Image, Slideshow or a Video Background. Features:
Fullscreen Image background;
Fullscreen Slider background;
Fullscreen Video background;
Bootstrap 3.3.5;
HTML5 and CSS3;
Full Responsive;
Google Fonts;
Well organized source codes;
Clean design
2 sales
0 stars, based on 1
Lessmore is a minimal landing page template for startups, freelancer, apps, business or just a Portfolio which has a Fully Responsive, Modern Design and is built on Bootstrap 3 – includes some great features and is easy to customize! Enjoy it!
Features: Minimal Design - Less is more; Built on Bootstrap 3; Font-Awesome Icons; Fully Responsive Design; W3c Validated HTML5
Features: Minimal Design - Less is more; Built on Bootstrap 3; Font-Awesome Icons; Fully Responsive Design; W3c Validated HTML5
4 sales
0 stars, based on 2

Tranquility is a fully responsive one-page HTML5 template. It features a clean and simple design and is intended for individuals or business agencies.
Features: Fully Responsive; Clean HTML and CSS; Well documentet; Fullpage background image; Functioning PHP contact form; Resources and Credits; jquery.1.11.1; WOW.js; Animate.css; Magnific Popup; Backstretch.js; getbootstrap.com; google fonts; font awesome icons; startbootstrap.com; Images - unsplash.com
Features: Fully Responsive; Clean HTML and CSS; Well documentet; Fullpage background image; Functioning PHP contact form; Resources and Credits; jquery.1.11.1; WOW.js; Animate.css; Magnific Popup; Backstretch.js; getbootstrap.com; google fonts; font awesome icons; startbootstrap.com; Images - unsplash.com
8 sales
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Aeria is a perfect landing page for presenting and promoting your new mobile app or any type of product.
It's built with Twitter Bootstrap, it's responsive, comes with a clean and modern design style and has all the features you need.
Responsive Layout (Bootstrap framework);
Fullscreen Backgrounds (slideshow also available);
Working AJAX Email Subscription Form (you receive the new subscriber in your email);
Working AJAX Contact Form;
Font Awesome Icons;
25 Social Media Icons, coded and ready to use, from the premium icon set "Ultimate Flat Social Icon Set"
5 sales
0 stars, based on 1