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    Travel free bootstrap website template
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Travel free Bootstrap HTML Template

We are happy to present our new Travel Free Bootstrap template, which is ready to be downloaded. When we say free we absolutely mean it, there are no charges for the usage of this theme, not even a cent! So if you like it, feel free to download and afterward use it! In return, we do not require anything to our benefit, for instance, the links in favor to us, however, there is one requirement that has to be followed: If you distribute this template in any other place include our URL address to ensure, that customers will come to us for official preview. If you are interested anyhow in other free templates, please follow this link and explore our offers: https://gridgum.com/themes/category/free/

This Bootstrap template is free for download and can be used by any travel company or startup, which wants to functional website to offer services to customers and also gain the recognition among customers. In the 21st century, its way better to have an online platform with flight and ticket options rather than having agency down on the street. So if you are new in the industry or this will be your first website download the FREE bootstrap theme. After gaining some experience, then you can upgrade your website and purchase some premium version of Bootstrap template which can be seen and purchased here: BOOTSTRAP TEMPLATES

To operate the Bootstrap template, you will need any HTML editor, for instance, Adobe Dreamweaver, it will allow you to alter the theme based on your preferences and wishes. If you have some questions about Bootstrap, how it works and please follow this link, which will forward you the detailed article about Bootstrap: WHAT IS BOOTSTRAP

The FREE Bootstrap template is fully responsive, which means that it can access from any kind of devices like mobile phones, tablets, computers and etc. Being responsive template means, that it will alter its design based on from which device it is opened. In other words, your website will always look perfectly no matter what device is used. Moreover, the pictures and images, that are used in the theme are coming also for free, so if you like them use them as well!

This free Bootstrap template is perfect to offer your services and represent all the information about your company. It has seven different sections, that can be used to present all the data:

  • 1. Home – As it is visible home page can have three different backgrounds which will change automatically. In this section, you can present the main information, products, and news.
  • 2. About – here you would tell the company history, who are your partners and etc. Also, bring out the arguments on why to choose you from many other competitive companies.
  • 3. Hot Tours – Here you would post the special offers because of the price ranges or the exotic destinations. You would make easier the lives of customers by already distributing the best offers without making them search.
  • 4. Destinations – here you would post the places your company offers the flights or some travel tours.
  • 5. Gallery – In here you can post some relevant and important information about destination countries to once again make customers lives easier. Most of them are tourists who do not have much information but are greatly in need of it.
  • 6. Services – here you can post what kind of services you are offering, for instance, some travel companies offer some guide tours in destination countries.
  • 7. Contacts – here you can post the contact information, which is very important for users to ensure, that you are reachable all the time. Include your email, telephone number and also google map location, which is distributed in the theme already. If you do not know how to set up the google map location, please follow this link for a detailed explanation:

As you might notice this free Bootstrap template has everything to launch the travel website so feel free to download and use it! If you have any questions, please those in the comments section and our customer service team will get back to you as soon as possible. To make explanation processes smoother we offer video tutorials!


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1.67 stars, based on 3 reviews

Date of Creation: 17 October 2017
Last Update: Never
Compatible Browsers: IE, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera
Files included: HTML, CSS, JS, Files
Documentation: Well Documented
Layout: Responsive
Tags: free css templates, bootstrap free templates, free website templates, free web templates, free html templates, free html website templates, bootstrap templates free download, free responsive website templates, free travel website templates, free travel templates, free travel themes
Type: Free template
Categories: Free CSS Templates
item #: 30918
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