The 5 Best Photoshop Alternatives / 3 July 2018 - 17:05:02

5 Best Image and Design Editors

Web designers are always searching for photoshop alternatives to edit various images and create authentic layouts. Therefore, we decided to suggest different ways to make perfect website design using different programs or even online free sources. Below one would be able to find five different tools and each of them have distinct purposes and features.

1. Affinity Photo
The above-mentioned tool is the winner of the Apple Mac application of the year and provides the minimum functions that a high-quality image editing product must have. It can be used to alter and retouch the pictures and to create multi-layer parts. The Affinity Photo outperforms all other competitors since it has professional corrections, perfect noise-contraction filter and adjustment tools. Moreover, the retouching options compromise burn, clone, red eye tool, patch, dodge, blemish, liquidity feature and etc. It also includes the HDR emerge, bath processing and panorama snitching. If you got interested in this multifunctional tool, then please click on the following link:
Affinity Photo

The GIMP tool provides a powerful image manipulation and the editing can be done online without incurring any costs. One can download the GIMP source code and make it more functional through the other available plugins. The suggested tool is created for high quality image editing which compromises restoration and image retouching. GIMP can also be used to create unique artwork, which is a benefit that is not provided by many other tools. The above-mentioned tool includes various features like color management like Inkscape, Scribus and SwatchBooker. Moreover, GIMP has an ability to build icons and various elements and has tutorial library for easy learning purposes. As you might notice, GIMP has a lot to offer therefore if you are interested, then please click on the provided link:

3. Pixelmator Pro
The above provided tool is a nondestructive editor which helps you to alter various images and draw them in the application itself. The Pixelmator Pro compromises an auto color adjustments management tool which helps the color changes very simple. The best thing about Pixelmator Pro is that user can export the image for the website without making them shrink. The suggested tool compromises different workflow tools that optimizes your work and makes it more efficient. One of the Pixelmator Pro’s key features is text editing feature, SVG editing and exporting. Moreover, it includes painting tools which make users able to draw anything by hand. The Pixelmator Pro costs approximately 60 US dollars but it also offers the free demo version which can be found here:
Pixelmator Pro

4. PicMonkey
The above-mentioned tool is a very popular and demanded online photo editor and re-toucher. Picmonkey provides one of the most complicated structure of features. It has different packages which varies with the benefits and prices. If you would like to have features like export, save, effects, premium retouching, then most probably you will need the pro level package. Moreover, the free version includes the advertisements and premium ones do not. The Pic Monkey is very easy to use to create pictures for social media platforms and applications. It provides user with various features like watermark to make projects fast, simple interface with buttons in browser, filters, overlays and text tools. It also has an ability to build up a great photo collage. As one can notice, PicMonkey has a lot of benefits to offer therefore if you got interested, then please click on the following link:

5. Acorn
Acorn is a nondestructive photo editing software that provides a wide set of tools. The tool creators assure you that the tool includes everything that is needed for professional image editing with power to enhance layer masks and touch up pictures. The Acorn user can get rid of backgrounds, change color patterns, combine images, crop, transform, resize and etc. Even though the Acorn is known as an image editor it also compromises the vector tools and text-on-a-path tool. The suggested tool includes more than hundred effects like drop shadow, sharpening, blurs, vignette, color correction, distortions and etc. Moreover, it can also be used for web exporting and scaling and also for importing the Photoshop brushes. Acorn can also be used for camera RAW image importing and editing. In other words, Acorn has a lot benefits to offer therefore if you are interested in the suggested tool, please click on the following link:

We hope that the above suggested Photoshop alternatives will help you to create perfect images and design layouts for your website. The visual part of website is the crucial part therefore you will need different tools to achieve desirable results. Each of the provided tools have unique benefits so you just have to choose the suitable one for your needs.

If you create authentic, sophisticated and interesting designs through these editors, then feel free to upload and publish them in the PSD template section which can be found here:



web design tools



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