The best plugins Of 2018 for Bootstrap
We would like to introduce the best Bootstrap Plugins of 2018 which will help your website to work better and more efficiently. Bootstrap compromises various important Javascript components but there is always a space for improvement.Therefore the provided article will cover the third party Bootstrap plugins which are for various purposes like navigations, component packages, buttons and etc.
1. Fuel UX
Fuel UX is a Bootstrap plugin that controls the website applications with more lightweight Javascript. If you include the above mentioned plugin, the website project will be smoothly optimised and upgraded. Fuel UX compromises date picker, check box, loader, combo box, search button, schedule, radio, pillbox, select list and man more features. Fuel UX is part of the Salesforce Marketing Cloud and therefore is upgraded frequently by the engineers of UX Design Studio. The Fuel UX control panel is constructed based on Module Definition patter and therefore is compatible with Common Javascript, AMD and many other browser globals. If you would like to gain more information about downloading and installations processes, then please click on the provided link:

2. Jasny Bootstrap
The Jason Bootstrap plugins is useful to fulfil the missing components of the front end framework. The main goal of suggested plugin is to provide all the important and useful features for creating highly interactive website application for computers and mobile phones. The Jason Bootstrap component package includes many useful things like off-canvas menu, labelled buttons, input masks, text inputs and fixed-top alerts. To download above mentioned plugin is very simple and can be done in different ways. The way of downloading depends on yours level skills and use case. On the official website of Jasny Bootstrap template can be found the detailed guide book with simple examples that show the way it should be installed and used. If you want to get the offered plugin, please click on the following link and visit the official website:

3. EkkoLightbox
The Lightbox plugin for Bootstrap templates can be used to optimise the Bootstrap modal plugin to create and compromise the Lightbox gallery. In other words, the Ekkolightbox is module for Bootstrap templates that supports YouTube videos, pictures, galleries and etc. The most convenient thing about the suggested plugin is that it can be edited and styled very easily similarly as Bootstrap modal. There are available many feedbacks about the above mentioned plugin from website developers and designers and all of them are positive. On the official website you will find the detailed description of the plugin with images that help to install it easily. If you want to gain more information about EkkoLightbox, please click on the following link and visit the official webpage of plugin:

4. Bootsrap Image Gallery
Bootstrap Image Gallery, also called BlueImp Gallery is one of the most functional Bootstap plugins on the current market. The suggested plugin is responsive, touch-enabled and has customisable image/video gallery. Moreover, it provides the Lightbox that can be used for both mobile and computer website browsers. It compromises the features like mouse and keyboard navigation, swipe, slideshow, transition effects and etc. It can also be used to extend the display for additional content variations. To cut it shorty, it is must have Bootstrap plugin for your website. Therefore if you are interested in acquiring the BlueImp Gallery, then please click on the following link and visit the official website:

The YAMM plugin for Bootstrap three was created by Twitter. It provides the lightweight and pure CSS menu/panel that employees the standard navigation bar and the grid system classed from Bootstrap three. It is compatible as for fixed and responsive layout and moreover, can include any Bootstrap elements. The YAMM project is currently held on GitHub and is the newer version of the Bootstrap 2 YAMM. Many website developers and designers are using the YAMM plugin in their Universal Corporate Bootstrap themes which demonstrates the high functionality of the suggested plugin.

6. Bootstrap Sidebar
The last but not least plugin that we want to introduce is the Bootstrap sidebar which is applicable for Bootstrap three. It is a responsive sidebar plugin that can be used to fit the big menus into the horizontal menu bar. Sometimes, it is highly inconvenient the big menus and therefore you need to have the responsive sidebar that can be supported by the Bootstrap. If you face the same problem as it is stated above then Bootstrap Sidebar plugin is the solution for you. If you want gain more information about above mentioned plugin, then please click on the provided link and visit the official webpage:

We hope that the provided article will help you to identify the useful and functional Bootstrap plugins that can extend the features of your website. The above suggested plugins with optimize and make your website look better.
This plugins can be used for testing in our free bootstrap templates which can be downloaded free from here:
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