Have you heard of content marketing? It’s a popular marketing technique that’s taken the web by storm. Instead of the old days where sites relied on direct advertisements to sell products and services, content marketing is sophisticated, smooth, and often free.
So, What Exactly is Content Marketing?
Have you ever watched a movie or television show, and saw an extra emphasis on a particular cola product? Perhaps the lead character was drinking a soda, and the camera zoomed in to the name? Or, maybe the protagonist was typing away on a popular name brand computer that you just so happened to focus on.
All of this is an example of product placement and, when done effectively, it doesn’t annoy us or turn us off. In fact, it often does the opposite. It adds dimension and realism to the character. It makes the character relatable because maybe you drink the same cola or use the same computer. The keyword here is relatable. Content marketing is similar to product placement. Instead of a movie, your content may be a blog, a newsletter, or a webinar. And the product you’re marketing is typically a good or service. Maybe you’re selling t-shirts, cigars, online courses, eBooks, or one on one consultations. Instead of buying ad space, you create a blog that builds a case for your product. Let’s take the t-shirt example. Let’s say you sell funny t-shirts. Your blog will not be “buy a t-shirt, pretty please.” That’s kinda desperate. Instead, you will make a blog highlighting the most popular t-shirts for pregnant women, the best movie themed t-shirts, and t-shirts that every geek should own. You get the idea. Throughout and at the end of the posts, you link to the t-shirts relevant to your posts.
Solve a Problem
Above everything else, your content should always solve a problem. Why is your customer reading your site? Are they hoping to get information to move forward in a sale? Do they need on-going support? Are they looking for inspiration? Answer these questions, and then you’ll see a clear path of action. The only way you’ll engage customers to buy what you’re selling is to answer what they’re asking. What would a customer who’s coming to you want to know? In the t-shirt example, they may want to buy a t-shirt for a friend’s birthday. With a relevant blog post, you’re giving them ideas for what they can buy.An Actionable Guide
Now that you’re familiar with the basics of content marketing, let’s set up an action plan.What’s Your Ultimate Goal?
The first thing you should do is decide on your ultimate goal. Do you want them to buy a product, join a webinar, or grow your mailing list? Would you like to build a following, or become a thought leader in your industry?Where Will Your Audience Come From?
Next, decide where your audience will most likely come from. Not everyone comes from your blog (because they have to get there first). A lot of your potential customers visit as referrals from other blogs and through your guest posts. You may also find them on social media platforms.Where Will They Go?
Wherever you find them, make sure you lead them directly where you’d like them to go. Don’t rely on site navigation because no one knows what you have behind door number two. Instead, personalize your links on each medium to go to a landing page or a specific blog post. Do you want to grow your mailing list? Create exclusive content (an ebook, a list of tips and tricks, a promo code and promise of future code) and put it behind a mailing list. That way, customers have to sign up to get that extra value that they crave.It’s Your Turn What product or service are you hoping to sell? Let us know in the comments below.
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