How to implement top web design trends 2015 / 28 January 2015 - 17:17:11

web design trends 2015

Now that you’ve read the top web design trends for 2015, it’s time to introduce some of these hot elements into your design. But how? Let’s take a look at two of the most popular ingredients in web design and how you can easily implement them to your own design.

Video Tutorials

If you’re looking for a great way to impress your site visitors, add a video tutorial or introduction on the homepage. As we mentioned in the web design trends for 2015 article, video tutorials are different from simply having a background video on your site. Whereas background video can set the atmosphere of your site and enhance brand identity, video tutorials or introductions should serve as your visitor’s guide. Whether you’re selling a product or welcoming visitors to your site, use a homepage video to give a rapid burst of information.

The most important considerations for video tutorials:

Make It Relevant -

Unlike background videos, video tutorials should not be gratuitous. They take up prime real estate on your website, and have the power to be the most important element on your page. Make sure that it answers your visitor’s most pressing questions.

Keep It Short -

You don’t want to bore your visitor. A video tutorial should be around two minutes in duration. Anything longer and you’ll run the risk of a visitor not only ending the video but leaving your site for fear that your product is too complicated or uninterested.

Make It Professional -

You don’t need to hire a Hollywood director to make a video for your site. Remember the key elements of a good video: good lighting, clear voice, and ruthless editing.

Delightful Microcopy

The trend last year, that’s continuing into 2015, is delightful microcopy. It’s a sentence here, a phrase there, that can make your audience feel happy and connected to your brand.

Examples of microcopy are:

Help us fight spam bots! Only you can enter this Captcha! Let’s be friends. Join our newsletter now! You totally rock. Thanks for stopping by. Hey, that’s a cool email address. We’d love to hear from you.

You can sprinkle phrases around your website to increase playfulness and personality. Instead of going with the standard “submit” text on a send button, why not try “let’s do this!” or “clickety clack,” or whatever works with your brand. Go with what works with the tone of your brand, but do remember to follow these tips:

You’re Writing to Humans -

Unlike spam-bots and web crawlers, humans can appreciate a cleverly worded phrase, or a humorous sentiment. Remember who your audience is, and speak to them directly. The more specific, the better.

Don’t Get Carried Away with the Laughs -

It’s easy to become your own favorite comedian, but resist the urge. Although you may be funny, microcopy is not about being funny, it’s about connecting with your audience.

Use it Sparingly -

Although your entire content should be written in a personal style, be careful to keep your microcopy short, snappy, and to the point. It’s called microcopy for a reason. If you force people to read too much, your content loses its punch.

Final Thoughts
Follow these tips to get started on two of the hottest trends in web design for 2015.






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