We would like to introduce our brand new WordPress Radio and Sound Recording themes. These themes have gotten into the list of our premium WordPress themes because it has a unique and beautiful design. Our store has a Bootstrap version of this theme as well, which has its own perks, however, if you are a newbie in web development, then we would recommend WordPress as it’s easier to manage.
134 sales
4.76 stars, based on 24

We are introducing our new WordPress template – Black & white labels Bootstrap Themes. As you might have noticed, the name says “themes”, as in multiple, and not one. That is no accident because we are offering you 2 templates instead of one: the black version and the white version. How can you view both of them? In the top menu, when moving your mouse over the “Home” button, you will see a drop-down menu with two color choices and you’ll be able to pick the one you like. The template itself is a WordPress version of one of our most popular HTML Bootstrap templates
22 sales
2.5 stars, based on 2
We are happy to introduce our new WordPress lawyer theme which can suit any lawyer because it has high-quality design and structure. The Gridgum store has Bootstrap version of this theme as well, which has multiple positive sides but if you are a beginner in web development then our team would recommend buying this version. WordPress can make your life easier and do all the work for you. It is very easy to manage because it has a website content management system. Of course, it costs a bit more but if you are part of a serious company who wants to have the well-managed website then this is the
15 sales
0 stars, based on 1
Handyman service has always been very important. There are many companies or individuals, who would like to make a website for their handyman service. This premium WordPress theme is great for anyone whose job is somehow connected to it! The template is full of different pages that one might need in order to make their website complete. As we already mentioned, the theme is made in WordPress. What is WordPress? It is a content management system that makes it easy for people to manage or customize their websites. Therefore, if you have no experience in making websites ...
55 sales
0 stars, based on 1
We are representing the newest WordPress radio station template, under the name: BW-Radio (Black & White Radio), radio theme is very popular in our Marketplace. We have a different type of radio templates like Joomla, HTML5, Bootstrap, WordPress. BW-Radio is Fully Responsive website template. It means that you can see this template in any devices such as iPad, iPhone, in any computer system (Mac, Windows) and in any cell phones too. The main thing of a responsive template is that website design changes depending on the device which you are using.
83 sales
4.27 stars, based on 3
Needless to say that online radio themes are booming so much nowadays. Gridgum is honored to introduce our latest online radio station WordPress design template which is unique in its multiple colorful pictures that will definitely please your customers. Starting with 7 basic options at the top of the page that tell your customer how the website is organized. Then, comes our beautiful slideshow full of HD pictures that tell your customer about different shows, programs, and music of your website. The slideshow should generally highlight the different services that you offer.
46 sales
0 stars, based on 2