Top 10 WordPress Plugins / 13 February 2018 - 20:22:56

TOP 10 PLUGINS for WordPress

Nowadays, WordPress is extremely popular on the market and most of the websites are powered and run by it. There are multiple reasons why WordPress is so demanded among people but the most important one is that it has Content Management System (CMS) which makes peoples lives a lot easier. If you are interested in WordPress templates, feel free to follow this link and preview our rich collection of WordPress themes:

Even though WordPress templates deliver high quality websites that operate smoothly and flawlessly there is always a space for improvement, for instance by applying some plug-ins. There are thousand different plug-ins which help to improve the performance of a website in various ways. However, not all of the plug-ins are high quality and compatible with WordPress templates, some of them might be defected and cause some harm to your already existing website. But since we know very well how WordPress templates operate, we would like to recommend top 10 plug-ins which will make the management of website a lot easier, leaving the website viewers highly satisfied.

These top 10 plug-ins are:

1. WordPress SEO from Yoast
The Yoast plug-in will make sure that the traffic of your website will increase, in other words more customers will visit your website, they will be informed about the webpage from social media as well. By using Yoast you will be able to enhance your visitors’ interest and engagement. The technical support of Yoast will help you with every step of installation process and make sure that it is done successfully. If you are interested in Yoast, feel free to visit their official website for additional information:

2. Back Up Buddy
This is one of the most essential WordPress plug-ins that you will need after the launch of a website. The Back Up Buddy plug-in ensures that your data will never be lost and always protected. Originally, WordPress templates do not compromise the backups which could act as an insurance during the server crashes. There might occur various issues like user errors, hack-ins, operating bad commands, deleted files and etc. but with Back Up Buddy your website will always be protected from these kind of problems. If you are interested in Back Up Buddy, feel free to visit their official website to get the plugin:

3. W3 Total Cache
Customer love when the website is loading very fast without any obstacles and to achieve that, sometimes good web-hosting and nicely coded plug-ins are not enough. One has to use right caching and have nicely operating content delivery network (CDN). If you want to have website without any loading problems, then you have to download and install the W3 Total Cache plug in. Do not worry, the installation process is very easy even for customers who do not have coding background or programming experience. The official website of W3 Total cache also provides the step-by-step instruction to finish the installation process successfully. The official website of the suggested plug-in can be found here:

4. Captain Form
The market research and generally any type of research is very essential and important part for any business and company. In order to conduct the research, there has to be created survey and distributed among the chosen audience. The Captain Form will help you to produce and publish any kind of form and survey using your WordPress template. It has very intuitive and easily managed editor which the the drag-and-drop function. After receiving the desired, you will manage it very efficiently by creating some reports and various charts based on the received results. Moreover, the data will be highly secured with SSL encryption and password protection. For additional information, please follow this link:

5. Optin Monster
The above mentioned plug-in will help you to convert the website visitors into your subscribers and followers. Optin Monster can deliver optin forms like Exti-Intent popups and scroll boxes which will enhance the number of subscribers and increase your mail list. It will also increase the website’s page views by redirecting the customers to your most popular and interesting pages. Optin Monster can also integrate multiple website and e-Commerce pages in couple of seconds without consuming too much time and energy. If you are interested in this plug-in, feel free to visit their official webpage:

6. Soliloquy
It is a WordPress slider plug in that exhibits the slider deck on the website without causing any issues and lowering the website’s speed. Soliloquy can be easily integrated into your website without consuming too much time and money. It has very beneficial features, for instance it has drag-and-drop function and is responsive and mobile friendly. You will be able increase the number of sales by employing the collaborative product sliders in your E-commerce platform. To download the plug-in and install it on your website, please click on this link which will redirect you to the official website of Soliloquy:

7. Sucuri
It is a security plug-in that can be employed by any website including the websites powered by WordPress. Sucuri plug in can protect from any external intrusion that might cause harm to the website. Sucuri uses the Website Application Firwall (WAF) and Intrusion Prevnetion System (IPS) for the website protection. It will not only protect the website but also control all security related issues and quickly identify some potential problems and lags that website has or might have in future. You can get the Sucuri plug in for your website within the seconds without any installation processes. But if have some questions, then technical support team of Sucuri will always be there for you. For additional information, please follow this link:

8. Envira Gallery
The Envira plug in is very beneficial for the photography or online gallery websites for which the digital images are crucial part of the webpages. Envira Gallery is the best, advice friendly, responsive WordPress gallery plugin. Customers are very annoyed when they cannot open the desired image because of the loading problems but Envira can fix that problem permanently. It has beneficial features that make the plug in very desirable to acquire, for example it has drag-and-drop builder with which you can create flawless images and video galleries. You can organize the images in categories and create names or tags for those categories, you can also integrate the social media and add share buttons. If you are interested and want to get additional information, please follow this link:

9. WP Touch
The WP touch plugin enables you to convert the website into a mobile application, enabling the viewers and customers to access the website through mobile application. WP touch pro will transform the content on the same URL address that you have been using before. In other words, customers will not use the various application stores to access the website by using the mobile. WP touch gives a perfect opportunity to increase the customer satisfaction via offering them easier and nicer ways for accessing the website:

10. Compact Archives
The Compact Archives plugin is perfect match for the bloggers who have a lot of data and information that have to be stored somewhere. Blogger update their websites very frequently by adding more and more information and therefore the old content has to be archived. The above mentioned plugin distributes the archive of posts, on monthly basis, in a very compact form that looks way better than the usual long list. The installation of the plugin might seem a bit difficult but the official webpage of Compact Archive offers various tutorial and articles that would help to achieve successful results. For additional information please click on this link and visit their webpage:



cms, WordPress Plugins



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