Driving is an essential part of life for many people. Most of them are taught how to drive in driving schools. As nowadays technology is evolving and most of the information can be found online, it would be a great choice for anyone who owns or works at driving school to popularize their company/facility by making a responsive website. Our team created this premium bootstrap template exactly for people like you! The design will fit any screen size and will look a beautiful and little bit different on each device to achieve complete perfectness.
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We are eager to represent our new HTML bootstrap template which can be used for car marketplace or car (auto) dealer company. Bootstrap is based on CSS and JS frameworks which make designing cost and time efficient. This is a simple HTML template but if there is going to be a high interest or demand we are ready to create WordPress version which will be a fully functional template. But even though this is simple HTML template it has an ability to be a fully responsive which means that it can be seen from any device, for instance, iPad, iPhone, PC (Mac, Windows) and etc
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It is undebatable that PC and additionally electronic repair business are the most developing companies in the current and following days. Our computer service template is the last stride towards an awesome and fruitful business. In the event that you run an organization of contraption repair administrations, and still looking for a computer service website template, here is the thing that we have for you. Our PC repair responsive format begins on the upper right with the 6 most fundamental site options that make your client effectively acquainted with your site design. After that comes our
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We are happy to introduce our new Bootstrap e-commerce template that can be purchased and used by anyone who wants to have an online store where will be offered computers, gadgets, clothes and etc. Nowadays, it is very convenient to have an online store because it is the easiest way to attract as many customers as possible and make easy transactions. The bootstrap template has a lot to offer, by purchasing this theme one can easily launch a highly functional website that can be accessed by various browsers like Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla, Internet Explorer
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Your new website will quickly adapt to any gadget with any screen size the user has in hand right now. Text and images are flexible as well, so they will render correctly. This will boost your conversion as your visitors will not be restricted by any limits in terms of their location and device. With the computerized era, that is the 21st century, it is not so unexpected that repair of personal computers and gadgets is a highly developing and successful business. Our computer service template will allow your business to take on a more sophisticated image, furthermore, it will make a customer
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We would like to present the brand new Business and finance multipurpose Bootstrap template. The suggested template can be used by various firms, for example, that offer financial and consulting services to organizations for improving the performance and efficiency. However, the offered template can be used by not only business consultancy firms but also creative agencies, and by companies that would like to have an online store. The Bootstrap template can be employed to launch a very sophisticated, authentic and highly functional website. f you have never worked with Bootstrap templates and
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We want to introduce you the latest Pizza and Beer Houses HTML Bootstrap Template, which is created with bootstrap HTML, CSS and Javascript Framework. Pizza bootstrap template is made for the customers who already have this kind of a business, for instance: Pizzeria, Pizza restaurant, Beer pub or Italian restaurant. We thought for a long time which type of template to make, or create CMS template (WordPress Joomla) or simple bootstrap template. Our choice stopped on HTML bootstrap template, because the Pizza restaurant, this business does not include many products
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If you run a dog business such as dog’s sale, dog’s training or even dog’s accessories, Gridgum is pleased to introduce our most recent dog templates, which can also be modified as in general a pet website template. This animal website template begins with 6 most basic tabs at the upper left corner which tells the client how your site is sorted out. After that comes our delightful puppy slideshow joined by different HD picture. Every photo of the slideshow presents an alternate option that your site offers. In this case, we have chosen it to become a picture of training a dog
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We are introducing our new WordPress template – Black & white labels Bootstrap Themes. As you might have noticed, the name says “themes”, as in multiple, and not one. That is no accident because we are offering you 2 templates instead of one: the black version and the white version. How can you view both of them? In the top menu, when moving your mouse over the “Home” button, you will see a drop-down menu with two color choices and you’ll be able to pick the one you like. The template itself is a WordPress version of one of our most popular HTML Bootstrap templates
22 sales
2.5 stars, based on 2