In this section Gridgum has gathered all HTML website templates and all HTML themes. HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language and shortly, it is the system that gets the World Wide Web pages the graphic, the color, the fonts and effects that they have. Our HTML templates are fully device responsive, which means that they change design to adapt to the device it it entered from
Template package includes:
7 pages design in PSD format;
working search form;
working contact form in php
8 original pages;
404.html page;
working photo gallery page with categories;
Features: Fully Responsive; Clean HTML and CSS; Well documentet; Fullpage background image; Functioning PHP contact form; Resources and Credits; jquery.1.11.1; WOW.js; Animate.css; Magnific Popup; Backstretch.js;; google fonts; font awesome icons;; Images -