Bootstrap Themes Free
In this section, you will find all bootstrap themes to be free for download. If you run a startup company and looking for a bootstrap theme that is free but meanwhile full of great features so it has a successful effect on your startup, here is what Gridgum has for you.
In our collection, you will find a variety of free themes and those includes computer repair, restaurants, brand website, free blog and interior design themes. Do not hesitate to click on every item to view further detail about every theme.

The template is built using Bootstrap and HTML5 frameworks. For customization, you will need any type of HTML editor. This template is simple and responsive meaning its dimensions will perfectly suit the device in which device it will be opened. If you don’t like this specific template and it does not suit you ...

Coding and Frameworks used: HTML, CSS, JSFrameworks: jQuery, WoWJS, jQuery CountUp, Font Awesome (icons).