BestSelling Templates for Miscellaneous Category
In this category, you will find various different website categories template that will highlight your business regardless its area. We have decided to create this section for our top rated and top seller templates, so you have a direct access to the best templates collection of Gridgum. As you see, the templates are for very different subject but upon request we can change any of them to become your customized website.

Theme Features:
Lightweight, Fast Loading
Bower Support
GruntJS Support
Less CSS
Responsive, Mobile First
Ready Made Color Combos
Outstanding Documentation
Wide Browser Support
HTML5 & CSS3, Built with Bootstrap

This Admin template can be used for any type of web application. Designed with an attractive look, rich features and easy to customize. Works well with frontend/backend frameworks like angular Js, etc. Wrapkit has a huge collection of plugins and UI components and works well on various sizes devices (desktop, tablets, and phones).
Features: Unique, clean, attractive, rich features, easy customize; Fully Responsive (works on all major browsers, tablets, and phones); Bootstrap 3.2.0

Features: Build with Twitter Bootstrap 3.2, HTML5 and CSS3

Features: Responsive layout (desktops, tablets, mobile devices); Built with new Bootstrap 3.3.2; Include Over 18 plugins; 1000+ Icons - Featuring Font Awesome, Ion Icons, and Glyphicons.; Boxed View, Top Navigation view ....

This dashboard template and it has a huge collection of reusable UI components and integrated with jQuery plugins also.
Adminer can be used for applications(CMS, CRM, Custom Admin Application, Admin Dashboard). Adminer template works on all major web browsers, Desktop, iPhone, iPad, Tablet and is any smartphone friendly.