HTML is one of the hypertext markup language that most people are generally familiar with. So if you are looking for an HTML template because you are familiar with the language or any other reason, Gridgum has created this section just to provide you with the list of templates that we have for HTML web design.

Features: Based on Twitter Bootstrap 3.3.5; One-Page and Multi-Page Demos; 33+ Different Pages; Fully responsive; HTML5 & CSS3 Validated W3C

Diana is simple and clean one page resume template. Diana also contains personal blog and portfolio page. It is professional theme perfect for you and can be customized easily.
**BROWSER SUPPORT** : - IE 10+- Latest Firefox; - Latest Chrome; - Latest Safari; - Latest Opera;
**CREDITS** : -; -; -; -

Template package includes:
7 pages design in PSD format;
working search form;
working contact form in php
8 original pages;
404.html page;
working photo gallery page with categories;

Features: Fully Responsive; Clean HTML and CSS; Well documentet; Fullpage background image; Functioning PHP contact form; Resources and Credits; jquery.1.11.1; WOW.js; Animate.css; Magnific Popup; Backstretch.js;; google fonts; font awesome icons;; Images -