Bootstrap Templates / Sort By BestSelling

Because many of you might not know what bootstrap is, lets start with a little bit about this framework. Created by Twitter developer and designer and previously known as Twitter-blueprint, Bootstrap is now the most popular HTML, JS and CSS framework in the world. What is this framework you may ask. So to be precise, Bootstrap is sort of collection of tools for creating websites and in addition to being responsive (changeable design for tablets, laptops and smartphones) it is also easy to manage and that is what makes Bootstrap one of the most popular frameworks. Here Gridgum has gathered all Bootstrap 4 themes and website templates so you too could enjoy an easily manageable and device responsive low-cost templates. (For more on this topic and the latest version of please visit

Cupcake template
Author htmldevelop
“Cake Shop” template is a bootstrap template, therefore it is easy to manage. Bootstrap is an open source based on CSS2, JS framework, which is used to create websites and apps. One of Bootstrap’s biggest advantages is that it is responsive, hence this cake theme is also 100% device responsive. In case you didn’t know a website’s or app’s ability to change the design to fit and look good on any device that is able to access the internet, is called responsiveness
Bakery bootstrap responsive Theme - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by htmldevelop from Bakery Templates
2050-12-12 $ 18
Region Radio Bootstrap 4 Template
Author Mecovache
Today we would like to represent a template, which is made by CSS, JS and the latest version of Bootstrap 4 frameworks. This template is created for the companies, which are interested in creating online radio stations. Nowadays having an online radio station is very demandable and popular; also it is very easy to create one. You just need to have a microphone, headphone and etc. This is helpful to spread, for example, information or music all over the world. Before moving on to the templates’ brief description, we would like to say a few words about: “How to create an online radio ...
Region radio bootstrap 4 Template - by ,
5.00/ 5stars
by Mecovache from Radio Themes
2050-12-12 $ 15
Biker Club Bootstrap responsive theme
Author Mecovache
This is Biker’s Club Bootstrap template that can be bought and used by people who are members or owners of clubs. The Bootstrap template can be downloaded and used in order to launch a highly functional website. If you want to spread a word about your activities and deeds, then the best place to do it is internet but for that, you will need a website. Therefore, many people are purchasing already created and designed templates to easily transform those to websites rather than create everything by themselves. So if you have no programming background and never worked with templates
Biker's Club Bootstrap responsive theme - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by Mecovache from Biker website templates
2050-12-12 $ 15
IQ University bootstrap template
Author Mecovache
Introducing our most education or university website template. This college template is for every business that deals with university, college or online learners. Our education responsive template starts with a slideshow that illustrates different highlights of your website. This is generally used to explain various offers and services that your website offers. Then comes the card layout display that classify students in different categories depending on their preferences. These two options offer a perfect organization to your customer that will help them choose their preferences.
IQ University - bootstrap template - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by Mecovache from University Templates
2050-12-12 $ 11
Bakery - bootstrap template
Author Mecovache
This is Bakery Bootstrap template which can be purchased and downloaded by bakery businesses or stores. It is a great opportunity to buy the given theme and launch your own website for a very little price. So if you run a bakery business and do not have an online platform to share your company data, then this is your chance to download this theme and use it! The Bakery Bootstrap template is suitable for bakery businesses and stores who are willing to share their company information using the internet. Nowadays, people are using internet and websites to search and gain the information ...
Bakery - bootstrap template - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by Mecovache from Bakery website template
2050-12-12 $ 11
Kindergarten bootstrap responsive theme
Author Mecovache
This is Kindergarten Bootstrap template that can be employed by children’s site, kids studios, kindergartens, child school, child care, preschool, children art center, primary/elementary school, and etc. Basically by anyone who is involved with kids and wants to share about conducted activities with people. The Kindergarten template is created by professional designers and programmers with Twitter Bootstrap 3 Framework and will help you to share the complete information to your potential customers. Bootstrap templates are a very popular product on the market and mainly because they are traded
Kindergarten bootstrap responsive theme - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by Mecovache from Kindergarten templates
2050-12-12 $ 18
X Radio & Sound Studio Themes
Author Mecovache
This is Radio and Sound Studio Bootstrap template that is suitable for companies and businesses that have online radios, sound studios or operate in the music and media industries. This Bootstrap template is designed by one of the best programmers of web space, they created two versions of the theme, X radio, and Sound Studio. Companies can choose the desired version based on their activities and services. Bootstrap templates give a great opportunity to launch a website and connect to the very wide audience through the internet. If you do not know what it Bootstrap is and how it works, please
X Radio & Sound Studio Themes - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by Mecovache from Radio Website Templates
2050-12-12 $ 7
oil and gas website template
Author Mecovache
Gas and Oil companies have always been the greatest and most successful businesses in the world. As a result, Gridgum has introduced our most recent oil and gas template. This industry website template is your first step towards a great and successful business. Our industry power template begins with the most standard alternatives tabs which are "Home, About us, Services, Solutions, Gallery and Contacts". By then comes an incredible slideshow where you can go drives or in inverse utilizing the jars. This slideshow is absolutely useful since you can use to advertise for various implementations
Oil and gas Website Template - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by Mecovache from Industrial website templates
2050-12-12 $ 15
Renewable energy bootstrap template
Author htmldevelop
The world is leaning towards cleaner and better viable renewable energies. Gridgum is in no time lively to introduce our most recent green website template. Our template starts from top with 7 most customary commands which are "Home, About us, Services, Projects, Gallery, Information’s and Contact Us". After that comes our slideshow accompanied by its HD picture that will highlight different services that you offer. This slideshow is completely valuable since you can use to advance for every point of interest of sun-powered vitality. In our template
Renewable energy Bootstrap Template - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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Renewable energy Bootstrap Template - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by htmldevelop from Alternative Energy
2050-12-12 $ 13
Car repair bootstrap theme
Author Mecovache
The website design you're going to see is a car repair format. On the off chance that you keep up an auto repair business and up 'til now hunting down a car service bootstrap template, here's what Gridgum have for you. A totally responsive bootstrap layout that starts from the upper left with six option that highlight how your site is sorted out and these involve Home, About Us, Services, Prices, Gallery and Contacts. After that comes our beautiful slideshow that has as a rule motivation to highlight particular organizations that your site offers. This part is generally used to highlights
Car repair Bootstrap Theme - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by Mecovache from Car Repair Templates
2050-12-12 $ 19
soccer template
Author Mecovache
This is Football Bootstrap template, which can be used by any football club that wants to demonstrate their players, games and etc. It does not matter what kind of club it is, professional or amateur and who are its members, adults or children, it can be used by everyone. Also if you are a football player who wants to represent himself to the audience then he can use this template as a portfolio and include all the information about himself. To run the Bootstrap template, you will need an HTML editor like, Adobe Dreamweaver, which will change the theme based on your preferences and wishes.
Soccer Team Bootstrap Theme - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by Mecovache from Miscellaneous
2050-12-12 $ 16
Cake shop template
Author Natalie
Presenting our most recent cake shop or bakery website template. The template has been created using the latest twitter bootstrap framework. On the off chance that you have a business that deals with cakes or pastry kitchen, you generally require an incredible website to promote for your items. Ours begins with 6 general tabs on the right top corner which tells diverse segments of your site. With a wonderful slideshow, we demonstrate a distinctive sort of finely prepared cakes that will pull in your clients. The slideshow has a principle thought of distributed different administrations and
Cake shop Template - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by Natalie from Cake website templates
2050-12-12 $ 15
Rent a car website template
Author htmldevelop
Renting a car is becoming popular day by day, therefore we decided to create a special car rental website design. The template is a realized using latest bootstrap framework, which makes it responsive, therefore it can change the design according to any kind of device (tablets, PCs or phones). This template is one of the best in our collection of car websites because it has outstanding design and all the pages that one might need for car rental website.
Rent a car Website Template - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by htmldevelop from Car Website Templates
2050-12-12 $ 19
Hot News - Bootstrap Theme
Author Mecovache
Hot News - Bootstrap responsive template Template Package includes:- 8 pages design in .psd format;- All 8 original pages in .html format;- all content images;- Working contact form, realized in PHP;- Working search function, released in PHP;- Full functional photo gallery section; As always, this template features a centered slideshow on the homepage. This slideshow can be used as something like a magazine cover, promoting the most popular articles. Videos section has all the videos on the website starting with the most popular first. The world has foreign news starting with a feature
Hot News - Bootstrap Theme - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
very bad
by Mecovache from HTML Templates
2050-12-12 $ 13
Truck Service Bootstrap Theme
Author webdev
This template is created for companies working in fields such as transportation, truck service and everything else related to motor transportation. It is created with the bootstrap base, there are some CSS and JS animations used. Bootstrap templates are especially famous for their simplicity, as their customization is possible with any HTML editor like Adobe Dreamweaver, Brackets or any other editor. This template consists of 5 pages, completely enough for a startup business, as these pages have everything that is essential.
Truck service Bootstrap Theme - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by webdev from Car templates
2050-12-12 $ 14
Computer Restoration Bootstrap theme
Author Mecovache
It is beyond discussion that the most convenient and promising business. All you need is a website to implement your business and make alive and accessible electronically. Our computer repair website consists of 7 menu tab, which allows your customer all the service they need to access any kind of information. Then, comes our beautiful slideshow that tells your customer about the different services that your company offers. We also managed to allow you two different card layout displays as it is the most convenient one for your customer. The card display is the most growing display design
Computer Restoration bootstrap template - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by Mecovache from Computer Templates
2050-12-12 $ 9
Security company template
Author Mecovache
Security companies have dependably been the best and one of the most growing businesses on the planet. Therefore, Gridgum has presented our latest bootstrap security website template. This security company bootstrap theme is your initial move towards an awesome and fruitful business. Our template starts with the most standard options tabs which are "Home, About us, Services, Gallery, Products and Contacts us". By then comes an unimaginable slideshow where you can go drives or in reverse using the jugs. This slideshow is totally valuable since you can use to promote for different
Security company Template - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by Mecovache from Security services themes
2050-12-12 $ 15
Paint co. landing page template
Author Natalie
The Paint co. Bootstrap Landing page template that we are offering is for companies that are offering house and apartments renovating services. It is the best ways for the companies to promote themselves and make aware of themselves to as many potential customers as possible. Bootstrap templates do not require a deep knowledge or experience of coding because the most of the work is already done. You will simply have to alter the existing design based on your preferences, taste, and wishes using any HTML editor, for instance, Adobe Dreamweaver. But if you still have doubts about acquiring
Paint co - landing page template - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by Natalie from Landing Page Templates
2050-12-12 $ 15
Transportation bootstrap template
Author htmldevelop
If you run a transportation trucking company or Truck service, Gridgum has come with the most efficient premium bootstrap parallax responsive template that will boom up your startup to a successful entertaining tool for your customer. The Transportation website template starts with the most basic 6 general tabs on the top right, these include the highlight of different services that your website offers. However, a great majority of your customer will not be needing to access these pages as we allow them to track their shipment for returning users, and estimate the shipment price for
Transportation bootstrap template - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by htmldevelop from Transportation Templates
2050-12-12 $ 15
Hair salon template
Author Natalie
Gridgum is happy to introduce its newest Bootstrap theme. This is a hair/ beauty salon website template. Perfect for small businesses and equipped with all the necessary elements. When entering this hair salon template, you see a name on the left and “search” on the right, both on top of 6 main menu items and a huge slideshow in the center. This is a Bootstrap theme. It is an open-source front-end framework used to design websites and applications. It has a design based on HTML and CSS and sometimes uses JavaScript extensions. Bootstrap has many advantages. One of them being responsiveness
HairDressing Bootstrap Theme - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by Natalie from HTML Website Templates
2050-12-12 $ 13
Freelancer Bootstrap 4 Theme
Author Mecovache
In the 21st century and in this decade, everything is digitalized and online space has never been this huge as it is now. The Internet has been the most frequently employed source to gain and spread the information all around the world. The number of websites is increasing tremendously on a daily basis since it is the most convenient, easy and fast way to advertise various products and services. Therefore, we are very excited to present the new Bootstrap 4 template that can be employed by web studios, design studios, freelancers and many more to launch the website in a very easy way.
Freelancer Bootstrap 4 Theme - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by Mecovache from CSS Templates
2050-12-12 $ 17
Taxi service website template
Author Natalie
Obviously, rental auto business is developing at an exponential rate. Gridgum is satisfied to present our most recent taxi template. Our taxi website template begins with 6 most basic options at the upper left corner and those are “Home, About us, Services, Our fleet, Specials, Contact us”. After that comes our wonderful slideshow which fundamentally highlights the best administrations that your site offers. This may incorporate exceptional offers, rebate or others of your decision. After that comes our card plan which goes under the title Our Specials. It essentially helps you to advertise
Taxi service Website Template - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by Natalie from Taxi Templates
2050-12-12 $ 10
Hotel Delvatore - Bootstrap 4 Template
Author Mecovache
First and foremost, we can ensure you that this website has a magnificent design in the entire web. Our team has looked over every competitive hotels’ designs and depending on that we tried to create the most creative and unlike hotel design. The Bootstrap Hotel website template gives us two versions: Summer hotel and winter hotel. The difference among those is not huge but we would like you to see and have an idea how it would appear on the screen. This is a simple bootstrap 4 HTML template.
Hotel delvatore - Bootstrap 4 Template - by ,
5.00/ 5stars
Hotel delvatore - Bootstrap 4 Template - by ,
4.00/ 5stars
Hotel delvatore - Bootstrap 4 Template - by ,
4.00/ 5stars
by Mecovache from Hotel Themes
2050-12-12 $ 17
Handyman service bootstrap template
Author Mecovache
This is a Handyman Bootstrap Website template that can be purchased by businesses and companies that offer home renovation, carpeting, roofing and all other house repairing services. This is a great chance to launch a highly functional website through Bootstrap theme for such a decent price. So if you are operating in the above-mentioned industry and do not have a webpage then do not hesitate and download this Bootstrap theme. If you do not know what Bootstrap is and how Bootstrap templates are operated, then follow this link and read an article which explains everything in a detailed manner:
Handyman service bootstrap template - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by Mecovache from Handyman website templates
2050-12-12 $ 18
Preschool template
Author Natalie
Presenting our latest preschool (kindergarten) Bootstrap 3 theme, this new format is your entrance step in the event that you are wanting to have any activity related with children, for example, kid’s classes, child's activities or other. This lovely and brilliant preschool template is made only for your business. Beginning with a vivid menu bar that incorporates diverse administrations for your client, for example, Home, About us, Classes, Gallery, Services, and Contact. At that point comes our wonderful slideshow which condenses distinctive administrations that you offer
Preschool Bootstrap Theme - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by Natalie from Preschool Themes
2050-12-12 $ 12
Autodealer bootstrap theme
Author Natalie
We are eager to represent our new HTML bootstrap template which can be used for car marketplace or car (auto) dealer company. Bootstrap is based on CSS and JS frameworks which make designing cost and time efficient. This is a simple HTML template but if there is going to be a high interest or demand we are ready to create WordPress version which will be a fully functional template. But even though this is simple HTML template it has an ability to be a fully responsive which means that it can be seen from any device, for instance, iPad, iPhone, PC (Mac, Windows) and etc
Auto dealer Bootstrap Template - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by Natalie from Car templates
2050-12-12 $ 19
Civil Engineering bootstrap theme
Author webdev
Civil Engineering bootstrap theme, This template is for the people who are Civil Engineers, have a business of construction, building or any other civil engineering related project. It is realized with the latest Bootstrap and is fully responsive, which means that it can work on any kind of device and change the design according to the device.
Civil Engineering bootstrap theme - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by webdev from Civil engineering templates
2050-12-12 $ 3
Plumbing bootstrap template
Author webdev
Who nowadays don’t need heat or plumbing in his home. This is by far, one of that safe business that is guaranteed a great income and a great number of clients. This is why Gridgum is pleased to introduce our most recent plumbing templates. This plumbing website template is your very last step to market and advertises your business. This website design for plumbers starts with start with 6-page tabs that highlight various fragments of your site. By then comes our stunning slideshow which demonstrates the diverse services that your company offers, for instance, plumbing, heating
Plumbing Bootstrap Template - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by webdev from Plumbing templates
2050-12-12 $ 13
Military Academy bootstrap template
Author Natalie
Introducing our military academy responsive bootstrap template. If you are about to launch your military academy or upgrading your website, here is what we have for you. A beautiful template starting with 6 general page information which highlights a different section of your website. Beside that comes our beautiful slideshow which has as the main objective to deliver different aspects and purpose of your school with a military color background that keep your audience aware of the seriousness of your business.
Military Academy bootstrap template - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by Natalie from Military Website Templates
2050-12-12 $ 9
Travel agency website template
Author Mecovache
This is Travel Agency Bootstrap template that is created for businesses and companies that operate in the tourism industry. The given parallax Bootstrap template has an explicit design which was created through the latest framework of Bootstrap and HTML5. Nowadays, most of the companies and businesses have websites in order to present their information to as many people as possible. Therefore, Responsive Bootstrap templates are very popular in the market since they are an optimal way to have an online platform in web space. If you never heard about Bootstrap before, then we offer
Travel agency website template - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
very bad
by Mecovache from Travel website templates
2050-12-12 $ 12
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